Maintaining KCS: Quarterly Check Ins keep you moving forward on the right track.
It’s hard to maintain your KCS program’s momentum, month after month, year after year. We can help.
Our quarterly check-in program lets you know where you stand, celebrates your successes, and identifies areas of improvement. Also, by putting KCS in the spotlight every 90 days, we remind everyone that it’s a program, not just a project—it doesn’t have an end date. As busy as everyone is, it reminds the organization that KCS is still a priority.
Each quarter, DB Kay will
- Analyze metrics
- Review recent knowledge base articles
- Review updates to program materials including the Strategic Framework, the Communications Plan, and the Content Standard
- Conduct interviews with program team members, participants and managers
Based on this analysis, DB Kay will provide an assessment of the current state, what should continue and what the team should start, change or stop. DB Kay will also provide updates on new and emerging best practices in KCS and support.