Your KCS program started strong. Leadership was supportive and team members saw the value. But it’s no longer the shiny new thing. Participation may be dropping; quality may be falling off. We can help.
Our KCS Tune Up re-energizes your KCS program. Whether we helped you kick it off or not, we will:
- Reengage executive sponsors
- Measure and communicate the benefits
- Excite the team
- Suggest process and technology improvements
- Lay out a plan for the next 12-18 months
We’ll do this by going on-site with you, observing and interviewing. We’ll dig in to your metrics to quantify the value KCS is creating, and set you up to measure the ROI of further improvements. We’ll meet with executive sponsors to create a strategic framework that aligns KCS to their goals. We’ll assess your program maturity on seven critical axes, and work with you to build a plan to get your program where you want it to be.
Cars need periodic maintenance. KCS programs do, too! A KCS Tune Up now can avoid a costly restart later. Contact us to get started.