We’ve updated KCS in Five Minutes for KCS v6!
In 2010, I learned about Pecha Kucha. Pecha Kucha is a Japanese storytelling approach that displays 20 slides, each for exactly 20 seconds, for a total length of 5:40. Given that my typical tempo for explaining KCS is a three-day workshop, I thought it would be a fun challenge to do one.
This attempt to distill a coherent explanation of KCS in a short time seemed to meet a need. Our clients often wanted a quick, on-demand way to share the big ideas of KCS to leaders, workshop participants, and interested people from other parts of the organization. Our YouTube video was a simple way of doing that, and it started racking up the views—it’s now over 22,200. While tiny by YouTube standards, that’s huge for us.
Except, especially after the release of KCS v6, I started cringing when people told me they were sharing it with their colleagues. It did accurately tell the KCS story, but it used very dated KCS v4 language. It was very support-centric. And we’ve learned some things in the last ten years of doing KCS that I wanted to include.
The tipping point was when I was in a Consortium for Service Innovation KCS Roundtable. One of the participants thanked me for doing the video. I made some self-deprecating comment that it needed to be updated—to which she said, “Yes, you should update it.” So much for those 22k views!
Check out the new version here: KCS v6 in Five Minutes. I abandoned the 20-second constraint of Pecha Kucha, which let me shorten it to 5:20. I hope people continue to find it useful for planting KCS seeds throughout their organizations.