Have you ever wondered what happens in a KCS Foundations Workshop? Before I attended one, I didn’t really know either! Let me tell you a little bit about what you can experience.
Because KCS is a methodology of processes and practices, there are key concepts to work though and understand. It may seem like you can pick up a copy of the KCS Practices Guide and get on your way… Let me just say, this is a “guide”. As useful as the Practices guide is, I have found that nothing works better than an opportunity to share experiences with others, ask questions and really work through the concepts to understand how to successfully implement and practice KCS.
Photo credit: michaelcardus. Creative Commons, some rights reserved.
The introduction to KCS, which happens on the first day, brings everyone together on the methodology. This provides the atmosphere where everyone can level set and ask questions about the 8 Practices, the supporting techniques and the Double Loop concept. This sets the groundwork for the remainder of the Workshop agenda.
In day two and three, the focus switches over to critical success factors for a KCS Program. This is where the aspects of changing the behaviors and culture of the organization come into play. We spend time talking and working through these concepts as a group in order to share experiences and examples. Because there are people from different backgrounds, organizations and experiences it makes the sharing more valuable and relatable.
In every Workshop, there are multiple exercises mixed in with the workshop materials. These exercises support the practices, methodology and concepts and force the participants to apply what they have learned to gain additional insight. I have seen firsthand how stepping away from the materials, working with the other participants and applying the concepts in a practical manner has moved the needle of understanding. The light bulb goes off and it’s a wonderful thing to see happen.
This Workshop takes the methodology to the next level. The processes, practices, techniques and critical KCS Program components all come together and become more practical.