There’s nothing like hearing about KCS from someone who is actually doing it—and benefitting from it. Our friends at Daktronics just sent this great email along, and kindly gave us permission to share it on the blog.
Daktronics is a South Dakota-based manufacturer of LED signboards, from high school football scoreboards to major league arena installations and Las Vegas spectaculars. Their technicians have to be conversant with a very broad range of products, including complex hardware and software. This makes KCS a natural fit for them, and they’ve done a great job of adopting it.
Anyhow, on to the message, from a technician who was on call overnight:
I wanted to share a win with you guys.
I had worked a long day yesterday, about 10.5 hours. I go home, set up for being on call at night, and wait for the phone to start ringing. Doesn’t take long and I get my first hit. I work with the customer for approximately 20 minutes and schedule a call back for 30 minutes later. In the meantime I’m needing to log off of our network to do some connection testing for a different customer’s secure network (I can’t be tunneled into our network and theirs at the same time) Shortly before I start this adventure I received an IM from one of our Customer Trainers in Australia. She had some questions about [a product feature] not showing up: they were created but wouldn’t show up in [the software]. I’m going to be very blunt here, “I’m pretty bad at the software parts of our product” end quote. 🙂 When she initially asked me about this, my first thought was “aaawwww crap, I have no idea.” So we restarted some services and checked a few other overall basics. In the meantime I started searching the KB. I found very few articles describing anything close to my issue. Then I broadened the search by using just a few more keywords. Wouldn’t you know it, a bright light came shining down from the KCS Gods and delivered the right KB article right into my lap. I had called the trainer about 5 minutes earlier so all I did was walk her through the article. After completing the steps (which took all of 15 seconds) her reaction was “OH, THERE THEY ARE, THEY SHOWED UP!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!” I was then able to still test my network connectivity for the other customer, and still make my 30 minute call back. Now if that’s not awesome, I’m not quite sure what is!
Hope this brightens your day as much as it brightened my night last night. Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!