There’s nothing like hearing about KCS from someone who is actually doing it—and benefitting from it. Our friends at Daktronics just sent this great email along, and kindly gave us […]
Why Train KCS Coaches?
A client working to justify the expense of coach training asked for a risk assessment of not training her coaches. I thought that was an excellent question. Having given it […]
From Article Quality to Resolution Quality
A cornerstone KCS quality measure is the Article Quality Index (AQI.) We calculate the AQI by sampling a handful of articles captured by licensed knowledge developers and checking them against […]
Is Your KCS Really KCS?
The good news is, KCS is getting more popular. The bad news is, lots of organizations say they’re doing KCS…but they’re actually doing something different. And, unsurprisingly, they’re not seeing […]
Hanging Up Your Strategic Framework: Sage Does it Right
In our KCS workshops, we say that the Strategic Framework is the deliverable that’s easiest to push aside…and yet one of the most valuable if done right. The Strategic Framework […]
Leadership in Action: The KCS Commitment
We wrapped up a KCS design workshop at Carestream Health yesterday. We closed with an exercise I love: the participants spent the last hour presenting what they’d learned, done, and […]
New Offerings! (Or, A Blog Post That’s All About Us)
Regular readers of this space know we generally like to talk about the interesting things other people are doing in the world of knowledge management, self-service, and social support. But […]
KCS is a Whiteboard
At a recent Consortium for Service Innovation team meeting, Adam Strong of Red Hat said something that really resonated with me: “KCS is a whiteboard.” I knew at once what […]
Communicating the What and the Why: Intuit Does it Right
Effective, persistent communication is the cornerstone of KCS. Team members need to be engaged emotionally—to feel like they’re part of a big, important quest—and practically—knowing exactly what they […]
Hack Your Knowledgebase
We all hate our knowledgebase tools sometimes. We might like the people we work with at the vendor, and there are those really cool features, but…seriously? I can’t just get […]