…last weekend I had an experience that helped me understand how transparency improves the customer experience and loyalty.
Intelligent Swarming: An Update
I recently attended a Consortium for Service Innovation team meeting on intelligent swarming. We got updates from PTC, Cisco, Red Hat, Sage, and others about how swarming was working in […]
Knowledge Management vs. Content Management
Over the years, we’ve been asked frequently about the overlap between knowledge management (KM) and content management (CM). A recent spate of these questions had me revisit some work I’d done with a KM vendor some years ago to share it with you.
How to Measure Social Media for Support
It’s great that we can communicate through social. But it raises a question: how do we measure the effectiveness of social media for support?
Lessons from the 2014 ASP “Ten Best Web Support Sites”
Every year, it’s a little like Christmas in the summer: the Association of Support Professionals releases its flagship report, The Year’s Ten Best Web Support Sites. (You can get your […]
Free Your Knowledge Base
Some good reasons to put your knowledge base on the Internet–and some outdated myths that keep it locked up behind a customer login today.
KCS in the Real World
Some of my favorite emails from customers are forwards of emails from team members reflecting on KCS. Here’s a great example, with grateful thanks to the Customer Who Shall Remain Nameless who shared it.
KCS for the Rest of the Enterprise
You know KM works. You probably want to share the good news. But mention “knowledge management” to people in other parts of your company, and they’ll probably tell you about useless SharePoints full of out-of-date documentation.
In Support, we know it doesn’t have to be like that. In Support, we use KCS. And KCS works. And KCS works for other parts of the company, too.
Creating Customer Empathy in Executives
An executive at a software company was talking with me recently about the challenge of creating a customer-centric culture. His company, like many, was built on a foundation of technical […]
Technology Should Enable, Not Enforce
We spend a lot of time—an inordinate amount of time—talking with people about how to lock down permissions inside of knowledge management tools. How to make sure Contributors can’t publish. […]